Fraunhofer Institute for High-Speed Dynamics
Profile of the institute

The Ernst-Mach-Institut EMI is working on technologies for the physical protection of buildings against extreme dangers (terrorist attacks, natural disasters, and other threats).
Within the Fraunhofer Building Innovation Alliance the EMI is particularly responsible for
- façade systems (impact-resistant and thermally insulating)
- sustainability by Smartcard Concretes and Composites
- bionic building envelopes with energy absorbing bio-concrete
- membrane façades as climate and security envelopes
- elaboration of analyses of the dangers and risks for critical infrastructures in cities
- supply facilities and industrial plants
- development of intelligent protection concepts for building structures against pressure impact and splints
- assessment of the residual strength of dynamically damaged buildings as well as the management of damage by applying modern sensor technology
- development of intelligent protection materials with integrated sensors to assess the degree of biological degradation