Fraunhofer Institute for Factory Operation and Automation
profile of the institute

Providing its clients with customized solutions, Fraunhofer IFF supports national and international companies on their way towards intelligent production. The Institute is a technology partner for planning, developing, furnishing and operating work systems, manufacturing and logistics systems and related supply infrastructures: it designs work systems for future human-robot collaboration. Fraunhofer IFF combines these work systems to establish efficient production and logistics systems, using intelligent infrastructures to network these systems with each other and with their environment.
Within the framework of the Fraunhofer Building Innovation Alliance, the Fraunhofer IFF particularly focuses on:
- Designing efficient and transparent processes in logistics
- Digitizing infrastructures
- Digitization and transparent design of planning information
- Conducting simulation studies on material flow analysis and design
- Taking Industry 4.0 to the construction site
- Tool-based multiple project management
- Integrated, computer-aided multiple planning and control of construction sites
- Adaptive construction site information systems
- Digital construction sites and multi-criteria analysis of various design options