Fraunhofer Institute for Non-Destructive Testing
Profile of the institute

The Fraunhofer Institute for Non-Destructive Testing IZFP is engaged in research and development covering the physical principles of non-destructive testing, material characterization, control and monitoring of production processes and industrial plants and components. The results achieved at the institute are used in industrial applications, if quality assurance or technical safety are required. The methodological expertise comprises the physical fundamentals, sensor technology, test instrument design and manufacturing, processing technologies, techniques for data evaluation and documentation as well as the qualification and validation of new inspection and testing procedures including instrument and system maintenance, staff training, and inspection and testing services.
Within the Fraunhofer Building Innovation Alliance the IZFP is particularly responsible for
- non-destructive testing
- analysis of damage
- quality assurance
- development of sensors
- equipment condition monitoring
- life cycle management