European research project ECO-SEE: "Eco-innovative, Safe and Energy Efficient wall panels and materials for a healthier indoor environment"
he project aims at creating a healthier indoor climate by using innovative and sustainable building materials, while saving 20 to 30 percent of the costs by making use of multifunctional products and their intelligent application in new constructions and in building retrofitting. As a central outcome of the project, an innovative planning and assessment tool will be provided, which will give a quantitative representation of the major benefits for the indoor climate to lay the base for the commercial exploitation of the ECO-SEE-products. In this context, various physical factors shall be transferred into a uniform evaluation scheme, so as to enable users to compare different products and solutions. In addition to recording the hygrothermal properties of wall panels, their acoustical performance characteristics will also be documented and represented in a model. Another essential impact factor is the capability of the materials to actively improve the air quality by absorbing pollutants from the indoor air. This part of the project is led by Fraunhofer IBP, that coordinates an international research team in order to develop a new, model-based planning tool. So far, the partial models for indoor air quality, hygrothermal, and acoustic properties were created and validated on the basis of extensive measurements of the novel ECO-SEE-materials. In the further course of the project, the Fraunhofer IBP team will devise and implement the prototype of a software that integrates all sub-models. On the basis of a building information model (BIM) it shall be demonstrated how a holistic assessment of the ECO-SEE solutions can be conducted in future and how the results can be communicated to the planners.