Construction Systems and Components − Easier and Faster Construction

Objective of the ELASSTIC project is to improve the safety, security and robustness of multifunctional building complexes against natural and man-made catastrophes. To guarantee safety and security, highly frequented and complexly used buildings have to be designed in such a way in the future, that damage of persons and structure will be as low as possible even under extreme influences. Apart from the development of resilient structures already at planning level, e.g., by deploying smart shapes and highly loadable materials, also components of the technical building services and dynamic calculation of emergency escape routes are taken into account within the process toward the secure building.
Within the project, methods are developed which are supposed to be applied already at planning level in order to improve the security and robustness of buildings. New materials are developed to improve the architectural structure’s behavior in case of extreme loadings. Another part of the project is the development of a dynamic guidance system for emergency escape routes which is supported by sensor technologies, works by self-sufficient energy supply and considerably reduces the evacuation time for big crowds of people. To this end, sensors which are integrated in the building structure identify the dynamic impact and evaluate the damage of all relevant structural components. The results of this process are directly adopted for the calculation of the emergency escape route.