Greening of urban sites

Smart Cities – Energy-Efficient and Livable

Technology and concepts

© Fraunhofer UMSICHT
Element for vertical greenig.

In 2005 for the first time the United Nations count more than 20 mega cities– the urbanization in the world increases constantly. Since 2007 just as much people have lived in cities as in the countryside. Forecasts of the UNO predict that the proportion of urban population will increase to more than 60 % by 2030 and will achieve 70 % in 2050.

Due to the increasing urbanization greening of urban sites becomes more and more interesting. On the one hand green areas are used as design elements and on the other hand greening can contribute to noise reduction, fine dust reduction, and rainwater retention. Furthermore greening can improve the microclimate and contributes to energy saving due to insulating or cooling effects.