Urban water management

Within the Fraunhofer Building Innovation Alliance the Fraunhofer Institute for Interfacial Engineering and Biotechnology IGB is particularly responsible for the water management and system solutions.

Water management – water resources management, safe water supply, sanitation, and wastewater treatment – is a global key challenge of the 21st century. Innovations in all sectors of water management are essential – in industrialized countries and especially for the developing world, in arid and semi-arid environments.

The Fraunhofer IGB has developed a toolbox of technical innovations for sustainable decentral water management systems, which are embedded in holistic infrastructure concepts and combined with energy and waste management. These innovations can be adapted and combined to generate individually the most favorable solution for the specific needs of each country or region.

Fraunhofer IGB offers systems solutions for future-oriented municipal water management in rural regions, for newly developed areas, urban districts in need of modernization and also for holiday resorts, tourist centers and hotel complexes. The system is especially effective for regions with no previous water infrastructure, lacking sewage networks and central sewage treatment plants. The concept is also ideal for areas where old types of infrastructure can no longer be adapted to cope with new challenges arising from climate changes or population increases/decreases.


Urban water management


In a development area with 105 plots, a semi-decentralized water management concept has been demonstrated with the goal to recycle as much water, energy, and nutrients as possible.


Urban water management

Urban nexus

Fraunhofer IGB analyzed exemplary the status quo of the water infrastructure in eight cities in China, Mongolia, Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia, and the Philippines and developed innovative solutions. Examples are semi-decentralized reuse of treated wastewater for the irrigation of urban agriculture and public green spaces, source separation of black water and grey water with vacuum sewer systems, and production of biogas from sewage sludge and organic waste.


Urban water management

ETAMAX - Biogas as a fuel


Objective of the project was to obtain maximum energy generation by completely converting easily digestible, wet biomass into biogas using an adapted high-load digestion process and closing all material cycles at the same time.  



Urban water management

Urban Design of West Hongqiao Business Zone

The project uses the Idea of a Sponge City for the whole green landscape area, the urban external space and the building roofs in order to generate a low side-effects development and to create a well distributed rainwater recycling system.

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